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one on one mentoring   with expert photographers



In addition to the above courses, Gallery 96 also offers mentoring opportunities. The list below of topics and instructors is a partial list. We will strive to match your interest with the skills and knowledge of the instructors. For certain topics one-on-one mentoring is the best pedagogical approach. It will get you to the point of proficiency quicker.


Topic                                   Instructor

Know your Camera                           Dick Bennett, Tom Kredo, Don Menges, George Wallace, Bruno Chalifour

All About Canvas                               George Wallace

Photoshop                                        Don Menges

Photography Basics                         Dick Bennett, Don Menges

Composition                                      Dick Bennett, Tom Kredo, Don Menges, Bruno Chalifour, George Wallace

Black and White                                Gil Maker, Dave Valvo

Workflow Basics                               George Wallace

Close-up Photography                     Tom Kredo

Adobe Lightroom                              Tom Kredo, George Wallace


Mentoring fees: $40-$60/hour


To enroll call Julie at: 585-248-8128

Gallery 96 

604 Pittsford Victor Road, Pittsford, NY 14617



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